Steffest Digitale Pulptuur

JOS EN NEL - 10/08/2007 21:05:44

- 10/08/2007 21:06:52

goed begonnen is half ge...!
succes ermee!
Peet - 10/08/2007 22:16:21

Hey Stef,
vanuit het ondertussen al terug volop wakker geworden Singapore: veel succes en volhouden !!
Johan - 11/08/2007 04:54:08

Hup Stef Hup, volhouden !!!!
We duimen vanuit de tropen !
Johan - 11/08/2007 06:40:51

joehoe, blijven gaan papa!
Janne en Warre - 11/08/2007 09:44:09

Komaan Stef, blijven stappen! Vergeet niet dat je wel de Steffeste bent hè!!!
Ann - 11/08/2007 10:17:50

Kom op Stef, Pijn is voor effe, opgeven voor altijd! Succes, Martijn en Anja.
- 11/08/2007 10:21:12

Heyla steffest, komaan!!!!!!! laatste lootjes wegen het zwaarst, ge kunt het!! Dat is al bewezen, we denken aan u.
veel groetjes
Liesbeth Kurrels - 11/08/2007 13:37:12

Gogo stef for your second arrival and second "annanas". Next year I will do an effort to finish him myself at last. Good luck for the last 25km.
Stijn - 11/08/2007 14:31:13

Hey Stef, hier is het avondeten alweer achter de rug en alles donker opnieuw...compleet gek dat je nog steeds aan het wandelen bent, maar niet opgeven, volhouden hoor !!!
Johan - 11/08/2007 14:37:15

Het einde is bijna in zicht. Super joh, nog even volhouden, en dan...........Ronk, ronk, ronk.Pf,ronk, pf, ronk. Ons dorp is trots op je. Groetjes, Martijn en Anja
- 11/08/2007 15:12:50


Slaap nu maar lekker uit, ge verdient het. Slaap Stefke slaap, daarbuiten loopt nen aap.
Nen aap met zere pootjes .........enz.
T Juliette - 11/08/2007 19:23:38

Proficiat Stef !
Johan - 12/08/2007 09:53:18

Prachtige prestatie. Gevolgd vanuit hongarije
dirk - 12/08/2007 12:07:44

hey ome fant,
geweldig gedaan!

john margo teun en anke - 13/08/2007 09:53:48

Amai, knap gedaan! een droom die is uitgekomen door door te zetten, proficiat!
Ann - 13/08/2007 14:58:10

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Dodentocht 2007
My third Dodentocht, blogged live using 2 mobile phones and an extra battery
I collected my starting badge and I'm eating a spaghetti.
I'm off to the start. A long wait, but everybody wants to get a good starting position. We're all sitting or lying down.

And the first thing we get is an invitation for next-years edition: 08-08-08. lots of people here allready. i'm participating in a testcase of the next generation scanning techniques: I have a chip attached to my shoe that gets automatically scanned at each post. If this goes well there will be no more manual barcode scanning next year.
Everybody is on their feet. The side-animation is fully in action. It's going to be a cold but dry night.
(This video was filmed by Steffest on the move with a Nokia 5300 phone)
And we're off!
Lot's of pushing, everybody eager to start.
Only 99.5 km to go ...
Wow . the first post flashed by before I noticed. I'm at 9 km now. Going fast !!!
We loop to pass Bornem a second time. a huge crowd!
(This video was filmed by Steffest on the move with a Nokia 5300 phone)
Food and drinks at Nutricia. I'm at 17 km.
Just past wintam. I'm at 24 km.
A band is playing the blues all night long.

(This video was filmed by Steffest on the move with a Nokia 5300 phone)

I'm in Ruisbroek. 30km.
Coffee time !
I wasn't planning to take a break but I have to listen to my body: Stomach pain, nausea ... I'm going to lower my tempo, so the 2PM schedule is out on the street.
It's not going as well as I hoped and the next part is traditionally the toughest ... We'll see :-)
Damn ... I have to take another break. That's not good. I'm at "Den Duvel" - 39 km. There's a big party here. There's free Duvel for anyone so offcourse there's a big part :-).
I don't remember much of the past 90 minutes but I'm here so I must have been sleepwalking.

(This video was filmed by Steffest on the move with a Nokia 5300 phone)
I'm in Londerzeel. 45 km. There's free Aquarius, coffee and Mars here so it's the perfect spot for a break. Geee ... I'm tired. I'm not in good shape.

The 50 km sign: I'm halfway !
Arrived at Palm: 53km. There's a warm mael here but I can't eat anything right now.
Switch lugage here: It's not going to rain so I'll leave my rainstuff here.
Arrived in Merchtem: 61 km.
I'm dying ... (OK, maybe that's why its called ... hmm)
I'm at Buggenhout: 69km.
All schedules are of the table. Just "Getting there" seems like the best possible goal at the moment.
Passed Opdorp: 73km. The posts follow each other quickly now. good !

The 75km sign!
Arrived at Lippelo: 77,5 km.
There's a lovely sunny sloped meadow here so I think I'll stay here for 10 minutes.
Arrived at Oppuurs: 85.5 km.
At Puurs Petra and the kids arrived with fresh clothing and some great foot-salvation. (Just in time because its getting hot !) I'll probable will make it to the finish, but it's going to cost me. ETA for Branst is 16:30 - 17:00
There's this guy walking on "Klompen": wooden shoes. That's insane !!!!

(This video was filmed by Steffest on the move with a Nokia 5300 phone)
Arrived at sint amands: 90,5 km. only 9.5 to go.
Just past the last post, Branst. 6km. to go ...

3...2...1... km to go ... nearly there!
OK. It was hell but I made it. at 17.48 I crossed the finishline. 100km in 20,5 hours. Now I'm going to sleep for 20,5 hours.
Thanks for all the numerous SMS messages, blog reaction, phone calls and people supporting at the track. Without those I probably wouldn't have made it.
Signing off , Steffezzzzzzzzzzzzzz